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A bare earth digital elevation model (DEM) represents the earth's surface with all vegetation and human-made structures removed. The bare earth DEMs were derived from LiDAR data using triangulated irregular network (TIN) processing of the ground point returns. Hydro-flattened Bare Earth DEMs represent water bodies in a cartographically and aesthetically pleasing manner, and are not intended to accurately map water surface elevations. In a Hydro-flattened DEM, water surfaces are flat and level for lakes with a greater area than two acres, and gradated for rivers or other long impoundments (e.g., reservoirs) that are wider than 100 feet, and tidal areas. Any existing island larger than one acre was be delineated. Water surface edge elevations were at or below the immediately surrounding terrain. Each image corresponds to a 37,800-square-foot tile. Each pixel is 3 feet and represents an average elevation for that area. The specified coordinate system for this dataset is California State Plane Zone II (FIPS 0402), NAD83 (2011), with units in US Survey Feet for horizontal, and vertical units are NAVD88 (12A) US Survey Feet. The dataset encompasses a portion of Sonoma County. WSI collected the LiDAR and created this data set for the Sonoma County Vegetation Mapping and LiDAR Consortium.<\/span><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "name": "Rasters/Lidar_HydroFlat_BareEarth_DEM_2013_WM", "description": "", "extent": { "xmin": -1.37551967487935E7, "ymin": 4591705.359410719, "xmax": -1.360598374396749E7, "ymax": 4770843.078486158, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857 } }, "initialExtent": { "xmin": -1.37551967487935E7, "ymin": 4591705.359410719, "xmax": -1.360598374396749E7, "ymax": 4770843.078486158, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": -1.37551967487935E7, "ymin": 4591705.359410719, "xmax": -1.360598374396749E7, "ymax": 4770843.078486158, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857 } }, "sortableFields": "MinPS,MaxPS,LowPS,HighPS,CenterX,CenterY,ZOrder,Shape_Length,Shape_Area", "bandCount": 1, "pixelType": "F32", "minValues": [ -4.597892761230469 ], "maxValues": [ 4488.94287109375 ], 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