{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "'Fire Stations' shows the location of every fire station in Sonoma County for all agencies; local and state.", "description": "
Shows the location of every fire station in Sonoma County. This includes all full time staffed, part time staffed, and unmanded stations where only equipment is stored. It also includes every fire station in the county regardless of funding agency (local or state). The lcoations are provided by the agency in question. <\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "'Fire Stations' shows the location of every fire station in Sonoma County for all agencies; local and state.",
"title": "Fire Stations",
"tags": [
"Fire Station",
"Fire House",
"Public Safety",
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 500000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium",
"licenseInfo": " The County of Sonoma (\u201cCounty\u201d) is the authoritative source for this data. Please contact the data owner if you have questions about permitted use.<\/SPAN><\/P>