{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "\u2018Places\u2019 is a seamless, county-wide GIS point layer for Sonoma County that identifies sites with their \u201ccommon place name\u201d (CPN). This layer is used by 911 dispatchers and other emergency personal in the Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium (SCPSC) to locate and route first responders to the call location. Within the CAD 911 system, a \u201cplace\u201d may be referenced by a physical address, an alias address, or a \u201ccommon place name\u201d (CPN), i.e., some identifiable feature, such as a road mile marker or other descriptive information unique to the call location. This layer contains an extract of the CPNs. For physical address locations, see the \u2018Addresses\u201d layer.", "description": "
The seamless, county-wide places layer was developed from a combination of sources including official County and City addresses, address aliases assigned by local agencies or the property owner, and common place names assigned by local agencies and/or commonly used by the public. This may include business names, churches, or anything else that could help locate a person in distress. The layer is further subcategorized by location \u201ctype\u201d, such as veteran's halls, schools, hospitals, and so forth, to enable GIS users to display these features as landmarks on published maps. The Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff obtain address updates, aliases, and common place names from SCPSC and from official notices provided by local jurisdictions. The seamless county-wide places layer is updated as notices are received, typically daily, and the seamless place layer is updated and published to the Internet on a weekly basis.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P> <\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "\u2018Places\u2019 is a seamless, county-wide GIS point layer for Sonoma County that identifies sites with their \u201ccommon place name\u201d (CPN). This layer is used by 911 dispatchers and other emergency personal in the Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium (SCPSC) to locate and route first responders to the call location. Within the CAD 911 system, a \u201cplace\u201d may be referenced by a physical address, an alias address, or a \u201ccommon place name\u201d (CPN), i.e., some identifiable feature, such as a road mile marker or other descriptive information unique to the call location. This layer contains an extract of the CPNs. For physical address locations, see the \u2018Addresses\u201d layer.",
"title": "Places",
"tags": [
"Common place name",
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 500000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "The Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium is the owner of this data; the County of Sonoma, ISD-GIS Central is the steward of this data. You must source attribution \u201cCounty of Sonoma\u201d when displaying this data (see \u201cUse Limitations\u201d below).",
"licenseInfo": " The County of Sonoma (\u201cCounty\u201d) is the authoritative source for this data and follows guidelines recommended by Creative Commons for data distribution. Please contact the data owner if you have questions about permitted use.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>