{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "\u2018Streets is a seamless, county-wide GIS street-centerline layer intended for general reference, address geocoding, and where applicable, network routing. The street centerlines are maintained to provide current address information for the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Consortium's CAD/911 Dispatch System. The data contain street address attributes such as, street name, street type, address ranges, and community code. Attributes are maintained with updates from the Permits & Resource Management Department (\u201cPRMD\u201d) and from notifications provided by the various cities.", "description": "
The county-wide GIS street centerlines data were originally captured from panchromatic orthophotography flown by Merrick & Company in 2000. The road centerline was generated from the \u201capparent centerline\u201d to display an interconnected road network, and as such, does not display physical road pavement, road width or shoulder dimensions. Additional spatial adjustments were made to the layer from color-infrared orthophotography and LiDAR data flown in 2013. In particular, the physical location of some street segments in the 2000 imagery were often obscured by continuous canopy. Where needed, the original street centerline features were moved to more closely align to the physical locations shown in the LiDAR. Street attributes such as left and right from/to address range, street name, and type, were conflated from US Census TIGER data and augmented by street attributes from the County\u2019s 911 dispatch system. Subsequently staff engaged in an extensive QC process to correct errors in the conflation process. This information was provided to the US Census in 2005 and incorporated into the Census US TIGER data set for the 2010 decennial census.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "\u2018Streets is a seamless, county-wide GIS street-centerline layer intended for general reference, address geocoding, and where applicable, network routing. The street centerlines are maintained to provide current address information for the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Consortium's CAD/911 Dispatch System. The data contain street address attributes such as, street name, street type, address ranges, and community code. Attributes are maintained with updates from the Permits & Resource Management Department (\u201cPRMD\u201d) and from notifications provided by the various cities.",
"title": "Streets",
"tags": [
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 500000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "The County of Sonoma, ISD-GIS Central is the owner of the data and stewards the GIS layer on behalf of all County departments and agencies. You must source attribution \u201cCounty of Sonoma\u201d when displaying this data (see \u201cUse Limitations\u201d below).",
"licenseInfo": " The County of Sonoma (\u201cCounty\u201d) is the authoritative source for this data and follows guidelines recommended by Creative Commons for data distribution. Please contact the data owner if you have questions about permitted use.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>