{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Lighting_Utility_Poles", "guid": "27A5CFB6-78FE-4193-A67D-BDF9BCF206EF", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Inventory of utility (traffic and street lighting) poles owned by the Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works,", "description": "
Inventory of utility (traffic and street lighting) poles owned by the Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works,<\/span><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>",
"summary": "Inventory of utility (traffic and street lighting) poles owned by the Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works,",
"title": "Lighting_Utility_Poles",
"tags": [
"Street Lighting",
"Traffic Lighting",
"Signalized Intersections",
"Flashing Beacons",
"type": "Map Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"ArcGIS Server",
"Map Service",
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png",
"url": "",
"extent": [
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308,
"spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_II_FIPS_0402_Feet",
"accessInformation": "Department of Transportation & Public Works, County of Sonoma.",
"licenseInfo": " This data shall not be shared without permission from the Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works.<\/span><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>",
"portalUrl": ""