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Service Description: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p style='margin:0 0 11 0;'><span><span>The seamless, county-wide addresses layer was developed from a combination of sources including official County and City addresses, address aliases assigned by local agencies or the property owner, and common place names assigned by local agencies and/or commonly used by the public. This layer provides point locations, usually associated with known residences or businesses where known, or at the center of a parcel if the address location is unknown. This data may include multiple addresses on a single parcel such as in the case of an apartment building, business complex, or additional units where there would exist multiple units or office spaces on a single parcel each necessitating an individual address. It may also include situations where an address has been assigned, but no structures exist. Each address is assigned by the agency jurisdiction under which the parcel is found, either unincorporated County or incorporated city government. The Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff obtain address updates, aliases, and common place names from SCPSC and from official notices provided by local jurisdictions. The seamless county-wide addresses layer is updated as notices are received, typically daily, and the seamless place layer is updated and published to the Internet on a weekly basis.</span></span></p><p style='margin:0 0 14 0;'><span /></p></div></div></div>
Map Name: Addresses_Public
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Description: The seamless, county-wide addresses layer was developed from a combination of sources including official County and City addresses, address aliases assigned by local agencies or the property owner, and common place names assigned by local agencies and/or commonly used by the public. This layer provides point locations, usually associated with known residences or businesses where known, or at the center of a parcel if the address location is unknown. This data may include multiple addresses on a single parcel such as in the case of an apartment building, business complex, or additional units where there would exist multiple units or office spaces on a single parcel each necessitating an individual address. It may also include situations where an address has been assigned, but no structures exist. Each address is assigned by the agency jurisdiction under which the parcel is found, either unincorporated County or incorporated city government. The Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff obtain address updates, aliases, and common place names from SCPSC and from official notices provided by local jurisdictions. The seamless county-wide addresses layer is updated as notices are received, typically daily, and the seamless place layer is updated and published to the Internet on a weekly basis.
Copyright Text: The Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium is the owner of this data; the County of Sonoma, ISD-GIS Central is the steward of this data. You must source attribution “County of Sonoma” when displaying this data (see “Use Limitations” below).
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 6124948.460736337
YMin: 1786102.3215800726
XMax: 6455599.129129116
YMax: 2098504.2014413187
Spatial Reference: 102642
Full Extent:
XMin: 6124948.460736337
YMin: 1804558.9640329615
XMax: 6455599.129129116
YMax: 2080047.5589884298
Spatial Reference: 102642
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Addresses Public
Comments: The seamless, county-wide addresses layer was developed from a combination of sources including official County and City addresses, address aliases assigned by local agencies or the property owner, and common place names assigned by local agencies and/or commonly used by the public. This layer provides point locations, usually associated with known residences or businesses where known, or at the center of a parcel if the address location is unknown. This data may include multiple addresses on a single parcel such as in the case of an apartment building, business complex, or additional units where there would exist multiple units or office spaces on a single parcel each necessitating an individual address. It may also include situations where an address has been assigned, but no structures exist. Each address is assigned by the agency jurisdiction under which the parcel is found, either unincorporated County or incorporated city government. The Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff obtain address updates, aliases, and common place names from SCPSC and from official notices provided by local jurisdictions. The seamless county-wide addresses layer is updated as notices are received, typically daily, and the seamless place layer is updated and published to the Internet on a weekly basis.
Subject: ‘Addresses Public' is a seamless, county-wide GIS point layer for Sonoma County that provides a comprehensive collection of known physical addresses (either “official” or “alias addresses”). This layer is used by 911 dispatchers and other emergency personal in the Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium (SCPSC) to locate and route first responders to the call location. While this layer is arguably the most comprehensive address collection available for Sonoma County, 100% accuracy is not guaranteed. It is the user’s responsibility to check with the jurisdiction in question to validate an address location, or with the US Postal service to validate mail service delivery to any location.
Keywords: Addresses,Special,Special Address,Points,Dispatch
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 24000
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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