Description: Originally extracted from CDF&G California Counties ArcINFO coverage included with the CNDDB data, and re-projected from Albers to Cal State Plane Zone 2 NAD 83. Modifications have been made to the features that make up the boundary for the County of Sonoma. They were moved to reflect the County Boundary as indicated by the USGS on the 7.5' quadrangles and the Kingsbury Napa-Sonoma County line retracement. The neighboring county outlines received minor adjustments to accommodate the adjusted Sonoma County Boundary. Counties included in the set range from Mendocino County in the north to Santa Cruz and Sacramento Counties in the south and east respectively. A large area is included for the Pacific Ocean, intended for use as a mask or to apply a desired color to the ocean.
Copyright Text: County of Sonoma GIS Central, California Department of Fish and Game provides a county political boundary feature class with the CNDDB for the State of California. The political boundaries from the surounding counties from that dataset were used in the creation of this dataset. The version of the political boundary of Sonoma County contained in this feature class is not from that dataset, rather it is an internally generated boundary.