Description: Intended as a repository for all publicly owned land in Sonoma County, this would include but is not limited to county property which may or may not include parks, landfills, corporate yards, business and services, or hospital property. This layer is not intended to make any determination regarding public access. This layer is generated from the attributes of Taxability Code with a value of "2" which is listed as Non-Taxable Government Property. There are also a select number of properties that are included as Non-Taxable that list a private individual or entity as the owner; this due in all likelihood because while the land may be owned by a public entity, the land is currently being leased by a private entity and according to the CRA they list the owner as the person with possessory interest or primary control of the property. Due to the lease, these properties fall into that category.
Copyright Text: County of Sonoma GIS Central, County of Sonoma Clerk Recorder Assessor