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Service Description: March 2, 2020
For official parcel records please contact the Sonoma County Assessor (707)565-1888. The GIS parcels have been and are continuing to be orthorectifed or improved to match the best available orthophotography. Improvement of the parcels is as follows; Individual Assessor Parcel pages in CAD dwg format are rectified to the orthophoto. COGO & survey data are used when available and in sufficient quantities to enable the bulk of an Assessor Parcel page to be digitized using said information. Polygons are generated directly from the COGO data, CAD dwg are exported to feature classes, where polygons are then generated. A spatial join is used to attribute the newly generated polygons. Polygons are then assigned an accuracy rank based on source, quality of the fit to the orthophoto, and RMS error encountered during rectification (only the Scanned Assessor map will have and RMS error associated with them, scanned assessor maps are no longer used but had been in the past) See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION for information on fit assessment.
Map Name: Parcels Public Sync
All Layers and Tables
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Description: March 2, 2020
For official parcel records please contact the Sonoma County Assessor (707)565-1888. The GIS parcels have been and are continuing to be orthorectifed or improved to match the best available orthophotography. Improvement of the parcels is as follows; Individual Assessor Parcel pages in CAD dwg format are rectified to the orthophoto. COGO & survey data are used when available and in sufficient quantities to enable the bulk of an Assessor Parcel page to be digitized using said information. Polygons are generated directly from the COGO data, CAD dwg are exported to feature classes, where polygons are then generated. A spatial join is used to attribute the newly generated polygons. Polygons are then assigned an accuracy rank based on source, quality of the fit to the orthophoto, and RMS error encountered during rectification (only the Scanned Assessor map will have and RMS error associated with them, scanned assessor maps are no longer used but had been in the past) See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION for information on fit assessment.
Copyright Text: County of Sonoma
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 6134538.020860658
YMin: 1789072.7293638217
XMax: 6451111.794313281
YMax: 2088174.625700794
Spatial Reference: 102642
Full Extent:
XMin: 6124636.150133133
YMin: 1803160.314929396
XMax: 6461013.665040806
YMax: 2074087.0401352197
Spatial Reference: 102642
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Parcels.aprx
Comments: March 2, 2020
For official parcel records please contact the Sonoma County Assessor (707)565-1888. The GIS parcels have been and are continuing to be orthorectifed or improved to match the best available orthophotography. Improvement of the parcels is as follows; Individual Assessor Parcel pages in CAD dwg format are rectified to the orthophoto. COGO & survey data are used when available and in sufficient quantities to enable the bulk of an Assessor Parcel page to be digitized using said information. Polygons are generated directly from the COGO data, CAD dwg are exported to feature classes, where polygons are then generated. A spatial join is used to attribute the newly generated polygons. Polygons are then assigned an accuracy rank based on source, quality of the fit to the orthophoto, and RMS error encountered during rectification (only the Scanned Assessor map will have and RMS error associated with them, scanned assessor maps are no longer used but had been in the past) See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION for information on fit assessment.
Subject: GIS seamless parcel base is intended to support visualization, query and analysis of county land records. This is a view of the ISS extract from megabyte of the parcels, the fields have been truncated to facilitate exporting to shapefile to minimize
Keywords: Parcels
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 100000
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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