'US Census Block Groups 2020' may be used for demographic analysis, tabulation of data collected by the US Census Bureau, and other analysis that require the smallest the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data, i.e. data which is only collected from a fraction of all households. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people. |
'US Census Block Groups 2020' may be used for demographic analysis, tabulation of data collected by the US Census Bureau, and other analysis that require the smallest the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data, i.e. data which is only collected from a fraction of all households. Typically, Block Groups have a population of 600 to 3,000 people. |
[[-123.634515239527,38.0624159362141],[-122.347454008398,38.856934351772]] |
2021 TIGER - Line Shapefiles2021 TIGER - Line Shapefiles Technical DocumentationPrepared by the US Census Bureau, 2021 |
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["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"] |
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>Standard block groups are clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their 4-character census block number (e.g., Blocks 3001, 3002, 3003 to 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to block group 3). Current block groups do not always maintain these same block number to block group relationships due to boundary and feature changes that occur throughout the decade. For example, block 3001 might move due to a change in the census tract boundary. Even if the block is no longer in block group 3, the block number (3001) will not change. However, the GEOID for that block, identifying block group 3, would remain the same in the attribute information in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles because block GEOIDs are always built using the decennial geographic codes.</span></p><p><span>Block groups delineated for the 2020 Census generally contain 600 to 3,000 people. Local participants delineated most block groups as part of the Census Bureau's PSAP. The Census Bureau delineated block groups only where a local or tribal government declined to participate or where the Census Bureau could not identify a potential local participant. </span></p><p><span>A block group usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains one or more block groupsand block groups have unique numbers within census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, block groups never cross county or census tract boundaries, but may cross the boundaries of county subdivisions, places, urban areas, voting districts, congressional districts, and AIANNH areas. </span></p><p><span>Block groups have a valid range of zero (0) through nine (9). Block groups beginning with a zero generally are in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas. Rather than extending a census tract boundary into the Great Lakes or out to the 3-mile territorial sea limit, the Census Bureau delineated some census tract boundaries along the shoreline or just offshore.</span></p></div></div></div> |
<div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>TIGER/Line Shapefile Legal Disclaimers No warranty, expressed or implied, is made with regard to the accuracy of the data in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles, and no liability is assumed by the United States Government in general, or the Census Bureau specifically, as to the positional or attribute accuracy of the data. The boundary information in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles is for statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only. Their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement and are not legal land descriptions. TIGER/Line® is a registered trademark of the Census Bureau. TIGER/Line cannot be used as or within the proprietary product names of any commercial product including or otherwise relevant to Census Bureau data and may only be used to refer to the nature of such a product. The Census Bureau requests that any repackaging of the TIGER/Line Shapefile data, documentation, and other files accompanying it for distribution include a conspicuously placed statement to this effect on the product's cover, the first page of the website, or elsewhere of comparable visibility. Further, Census Bureau trademarks, when used in reference to the nature of the product, should be accompanied by the ® (registered) symbol or ™ symbol, where convenient.</span></p><p><span>Citation Information Copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government (Title 17 U.S.C., Section 105). Thus, you are free to reproduce census materials as you see fit. We would ask, however, that you cite the Census Bureau as the source.</span></p><p><span>Contact Information Members of the public can obtain the TIGER/Line Shapefiles free of charge through the Census Bureau’s website and should direct questions about these files to the Spatial Data Collection and Products Branch, Geography Division, U.S. Census Bureau. If you obtain the TIGER/Line Shapefiles from a third party, we recommend you contact that vendor for assistance. Spatial Data Collection and Products Branch Geography Division, U.S. Census Bureau 4600 Silver Hill Road Washington, DC 20233-7400 Office: (301) 763-1128 E-mail:</span></p></div></div></div> |
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["Census","Block Groups","2020","Sonoma County","Demographic","Population."] |
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