Description: The Urban Service Areas (USA) dataset represents the designated limit to the urban development of unincorporated communities per Sonoma County's General Plan 2020 as adopted on September 23, 2008 by Resolution No. 08-0808. Currently, there are 21 unincorporated urban service communities within Sonoma County. The communities are limited to urban development through urban services which is the full range of public services and infrastructures including sewer, water, police and fire protection, roads, transit, etc. Per General Plan Land Use 2020 adopted on 09/23/2008 by the Board of Supervisors, USA's were updated to reflect changes in service areas, spheres of influence and city urban growth boundaries (Reso. No. 08-0808). To note, according to 2012 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Chapter 2.5 Definitions addresses "Urbanized Area" and defines "urban growth boundary" as a provision of a locally adopted general plan that allows urban uses one side of the boundary and prohibits urban uses on the other side.The 21 Urban Service Areas are as follows: AirportBodega BayCloverdaleCotatiForestvilleGeyservilleGratonGuernevilleHealdsburgLarkfieldMonte RioOccidentalPenngrovePetalumaRohnert ParkSanta RosaSea RanchSebastopolSonomaSonoma ValleyWindsor