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Service Description: The seamless, county-wide parcel layer was digitized from official Assessor Parcel (AP) Maps which were originally maintained on mylar sheets and/or maintained as individual Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing files (e.g., DWG). The CRA office continues to maintain the official AP Maps in CAD drawings and Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff apply updates from these maps to the seamless parcel base in the County’s Enterprise GIS. The seamless parcel layer is updated and published to the Internet on a monthly basis. The primary difference between this version and the ‘Parcels Public’ layer is the inclusion of additional attributes licensed for internal use ONLY.
The seamless parcel layer was developed from the source data using the general methodology outlined below. The mylar sheets were scanned and saved to standard image file format (e.g., TIFF). The individual scanned maps or CAD drawing files were imported into GIS software and geo-referenced to their corresponding real-world locations using high resolution orthophotography as control. The standard approach was to rescale and rotate the scanned drawing (or CAD file) to match the general location on the orthophotograph. Then, appropriate control points were selected to register and rectify features on the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) to the orthophotography. In the process, features in the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) were transformed to real-world coordinates, and line features were created using “heads-up digitizing” and stored in new GIS feature classes. Recommended industry best practices were followed to minimize root mean square (RMS) error in the transformation of the data, and to ensure the integrity of the overall pattern of each AP map relative to neighboring pages. Where available Coordinate Geometry (COGO) & survey data, tied to global positioning systems (GPS) coordinates, were also referenced and input to improve the fit and absolute location of each page. The vector lines were then assembled into a polygon features, with each polygon being assigned a unique identifier, the Assessor Parcel Number (APN). The APN field in the parcel table was joined to the corresponding APN field in the assessor property characteristics table extracted from the MPTS database to create the final parcel layer. The result is a seamless parcel land base, each parcel polygon coded with a unique APN, assembled from approximately 6,000 individual map page of varying scale and accuracy, but ensuring the correct topology of each feature within the whole (i.e., no gaps or overlaps). The accuracy and quality of the parcels varies depending on the source. See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION fields below for information on the fit assessment for each source page. These data should be used only for general reference and planning purposes. It is important to note that while these data were generated from authoritative public records, and checked for quality assurance, they do not provide survey-quality spatial accuracy and should NOT be used to interpret the true location of individual property boundary lines. Please contact the Sonoma County CRA and/or a licensed land surveyor before making a business decision that involves official boundary descriptions.
All Layers and Tables
Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: The seamless, county-wide parcel layer was digitized from official Assessor Parcel (AP) Maps which were originally maintained on mylar sheets and/or maintained as individual Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing files (e.g., DWG). The CRA office continues to maintain the official AP Maps in CAD drawings and Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff apply updates from these maps to the seamless parcel base in the County’s Enterprise GIS. The seamless parcel layer is updated and published to the Internet on a monthly basis. The primary difference between this version and the ‘Parcels Public’ layer is the inclusion of additional attributes licensed for internal use ONLY.The seamless parcel layer was developed from the source data using the general methodology outlined below. The mylar sheets were scanned and saved to standard image file format (e.g., TIFF). The individual scanned maps or CAD drawing files were imported into GIS software and geo-referenced to their corresponding real-world locations using high resolution orthophotography as control. The standard approach was to rescale and rotate the scanned drawing (or CAD file) to match the general location on the orthophotograph. Then, appropriate control points were selected to register and rectify features on the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) to the orthophotography. In the process, features in the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) were transformed to real-world coordinates, and line features were created using “heads-up digitizing” and stored in new GIS feature classes. Recommended industry best practices were followed to minimize root mean square (RMS) error in the transformation of the data, and to ensure the integrity of the overall pattern of each AP map relative to neighboring pages. Where available Coordinate Geometry (COGO) & survey data, tied to global positioning systems (GPS) coordinates, were also referenced and input to improve the fit and absolute location of each page. The vector lines were then assembled into a polygon features, with each polygon being assigned a unique identifier, the Assessor Parcel Number (APN). The APN field in the parcel table was joined to the corresponding APN field in the assessor property characteristics table extracted from the MPTS database to create the final parcel layer. The result is a seamless parcel land base, each parcel polygon coded with a unique APN, assembled from approximately 6,000 individual map page of varying scale and accuracy, but ensuring the correct topology of each feature within the whole (i.e., no gaps or overlaps). The accuracy and quality of the parcels varies depending on the source. See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION fields below for information on the fit assessment for each source page. These data should be used only for general reference and planning purposes. It is important to note that while these data were generated from authoritative public records, and checked for quality assurance, they do not provide survey-quality spatial accuracy and should NOT be used to interpret the true location of individual property boundary lines. Please contact the Sonoma County CRA and/or a licensed land surveyor before making a business decision that involves official boundary descriptions.
Copyright Text: County of Sonoma, Clerk Recorder Assessor (CRA), is the owner of this data; the County of Sonoma, ISD-GIS Central is the steward of this data. You must source attribution “County of Sonoma” when distributing this data (see “Use Limitations” below).
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: 6079085.028322718
YMin: 1765295.8191562705
XMax: 6506564.786851221
YMax: 2111951.535908345
Spatial Reference: 102642
Full Extent:
XMin: 6124636.150133133
YMin: 1803160.314929396
XMax: 6461013.665040806
YMax: 2074087.0401352197
Spatial Reference: 102642
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Parcels 2024 - 2025
Comments: The seamless, county-wide parcel layer was digitized from official Assessor Parcel (AP) Maps which were originally maintained on mylar sheets and/or maintained as individual Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing files (e.g., DWG). The CRA office continues to maintain the official AP Maps in CAD drawings and Information Systems Department/Geographic Information Systems (ISD/GIS) staff apply updates from these maps to the seamless parcel base in the County’s Enterprise GIS. The seamless parcel layer is updated and published to the Internet on a monthly basis. The primary difference between this version and the ‘Parcels Public’ layer is the inclusion of additional attributes licensed for internal use ONLY.The seamless parcel layer was developed from the source data using the general methodology outlined below. The mylar sheets were scanned and saved to standard image file format (e.g., TIFF). The individual scanned maps or CAD drawing files were imported into GIS software and geo-referenced to their corresponding real-world locations using high resolution orthophotography as control. The standard approach was to rescale and rotate the scanned drawing (or CAD file) to match the general location on the orthophotograph. Then, appropriate control points were selected to register and rectify features on the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) to the orthophotography. In the process, features in the scanned map (or CAD drawing file) were transformed to real-world coordinates, and line features were created using “heads-up digitizing” and stored in new GIS feature classes. Recommended industry best practices were followed to minimize root mean square (RMS) error in the transformation of the data, and to ensure the integrity of the overall pattern of each AP map relative to neighboring pages. Where available Coordinate Geometry (COGO) & survey data, tied to global positioning systems (GPS) coordinates, were also referenced and input to improve the fit and absolute location of each page. The vector lines were then assembled into a polygon features, with each polygon being assigned a unique identifier, the Assessor Parcel Number (APN). The APN field in the parcel table was joined to the corresponding APN field in the assessor property characteristics table extracted from the MPTS database to create the final parcel layer. The result is a seamless parcel land base, each parcel polygon coded with a unique APN, assembled from approximately 6,000 individual map page of varying scale and accuracy, but ensuring the correct topology of each feature within the whole (i.e., no gaps or overlaps). The accuracy and quality of the parcels varies depending on the source. See the fields RANK and DESCRIPTION fields below for information on the fit assessment for each source page. These data should be used only for general reference and planning purposes. It is important to note that while these data were generated from authoritative public records, and checked for quality assurance, they do not provide survey-quality spatial accuracy and should NOT be used to interpret the true location of individual property boundary lines. Please contact the Sonoma County CRA and/or a licensed land surveyor before making a business decision that involves official boundary descriptions.
Subject: ‘Parcels’ is a seamless, county-wide GIS parcel layer intended to support visualization, query, and analysis of current land records. This layer is a partial view of the Information Sales System (ISS) extract, a report of property characteristics taken from the County’s Megabyte Property Tax System (MPTS). This layer may be missing some attributes (e.g., Owner Name) which may not be published to the Internet due to privacy conditions under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Please contact the Clerk-Recorder-Assessor (CRA) office at (707) 565-1888 for information on availability, associated fees, and access to other versions of Sonoma County parcels containing additional property characteristics.
Keywords: Parcels,APN,Assessor Parcel Number,Property,Lots,Assessment,Roll
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : true
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
Extract Changes